Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Parish Groups & Committees



The Liturgy Committee meets regularly to prepare liturgies for all special liturgical celebrations, and to ensure regular liturgies are of a high standard.  Special consideration is given to the involvement of young people, and to ensuring that the liturgy is meaningful to all.
The celebration of Pentecost is a particular example. Parishioners, having a national costume, wear it on this day, and Mass includes the readings and prayers being read in different languages, representative of the diversity of cultures domicile in the parish.  Over the four masses, some twenty-six languages can be represented. The committee would welcome anyone who is interested in working with them on parish liturgies.


The music group is a group of parishioners who love to sing, that gets together fortnightly, to share their love of music in learning & practicing contemporary and traditional hymns. Practice is once  a fortnight on Monday evenings 7.00 pm. to 8.30 pm. Some times weekly, specially before major events.


Lay participation in the various ministries of the church, particularly those relating to Sunday worship is important in the church of today.  A high level of lay involvement can be a source of strength to the whole of the parish community.  Anyone who is interested and prepared to make a commitment to any of these two  ministries, or would like to have more information, should get in touch with the parish secretary who will direct you to the respective convener. On going training seminars are held for those in these two ministries.  Rosters are made out for our four weekend Masses.


An altar server is a lay assistant to the priest during the Mass. To serve at the altar of the Lord is a privilege, and a wonderful way to develop a love and closer understanding of the Holy Mass. While traditionally altar servers have carried out a number of complicated duties, and been required to recite Latin responsories, nowadays the duties are more straight forward, and include carrying of the processional cross, lighting and extinguishing candles, ringing of bells, setting of the altar, receiving the offertory gifts and assisting with the water and wine. Traditionally the Sanctuary was a strictly male domain, but now is open to both male and female – here at Our Lady of Lourdes, almost half of our active servers are girls. Serving is a unique ministry in that young children are able to serve – the only requirements being that prospective servers have made their First Holy Communion [and that they are able to sit quietly, attentively and piously for 60 minutes!].
We are always keen to have new servers join our group, If you wish to take part in this special ministry please contact Deacon Robert.

CATHECISTS, RCIA The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adult –Is a process developed by the Catholic Church for prospective converts to Catholicism who are above the age of infant Baptism. Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of catholic beliefs and practices. RCIA is an intense preparation program that takes the candidates through several stages. Start in about Augustus until Pentecost the year following

1 Period of enquiry: candidates are encouraged to ask about the Church faith. Also known as the pre catechumenate.

2 Period of the Catechumenate: in this period Catechumens and candidates with help of catechist and sponsors, strive to deepen their faith for the Rite of Election

3 Period of Purification and Enlightenment: this is usually during Lent a time of reflection in preparation for the celebration of full initiation at the Easter Vigil

4 Post Baptismal Catechesis or Mystagogia: Period between Easter and Pentecost Introduction to the Christian way of living within the community.

This basic process applies to adults and older children, with young children going through an adapted version sometimes referred to as the Rite of Christian initiation of Children.




The apostles were sent out in pairs, so does the Legion send out its legionaries in pairs to be the hands and feet of Christ. The Master / apprentice combination has proved very successful, with the backing of the Holy Spirit and Mary, all work carried out is done in the closest union with Mary and the Holy Spirit.We pray before each task undertaken, asking for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and Mary, to give us the words that they would want us to say and to touch the hearts of those we visit.
Senior Legion Group meets every Wednesday at 7 pm
Mary Mother of Grace Praesidium, Young People Legion meets every Friday at 7.15 pm
Junior Legion meets every Friday at 6 pm. We have a varied amount of works we do, some being visiting the sick in their homes or hospitals and taking the Eucharist to the sick. We go to four rest homes and the house bound, on all of these visits we give out Rosary beads, Miraculous Medals, scapulars and prayer cards and pray with them before leaving. One of our newest members teaches English to refugees and immigrants.
We have a Rosary Statue, which enables us to pray the Rosary with families in the Parish. The statue is rostered every two weeks.Auxiliary Praying members are very important for the say a Rosary daily along with some short prayers. Please consider joining such a wonderful organization. You are guaranteed many graces and blessings from Our Blessed Lady. The Legion is for Men and Women of every age, young or old.
Legionaries place themselves at the service of Mary and wish to help her in her mission as the” mother of the Church.”
If you would like more information about the Legion you are most welcome to attend a meeting.


Held on the fourth Sunday of each month February to November, the Mini Market raises money for mission stations and other worthy projects through the sale of donated goods, clothing, and home produce including fresh baking.
More helpers are always needed.


 The group meets once a month to pray and interact with each other with a spiritual focus.


Our ushers are like spiritual navigators.  They help ease the seating, directing people to vacant seats in the churhc, paying special attention to the old and the disabled.


Flower Arrangement. God’s gifts in nature, beautiful flowers, are a wonderful way to adorn the altar, tabernacle and other areas in His place of worship. A small band of us each take a two week turn to provide and maintain suitable flower arrangements. We keep in mind appropriate colours for particular feast days and seasons such as purple for advent. Currently we are fortunate to have a fund of donations which enables us to buy fresh flowers. Often we supplement these with other flowers and greenery from our gardens. We do have a large range of artificial flowers as a backup. We see this duty as a form of worship and a privilege. If you have access to flowers that we could use please let the office now. We’d also welcome some more volunteers to join this roster.


The corporals and purificators used during each Mass need laundering. Remembering there will be remnants of Christ’s blood on the linen, this is done with appropriate reverence. We pour the soaking water over the garden. A group of volunteers are rostered for a month at a time to do this small but important task. It is a privilege.


Families and different groups from within the church volunteer their time once a week to clean the church.  This is normally done on Friday or Saturday, before the weekend Masses.  Any family wishing to join this ministry, please contact the parish office.


One of our parishioners regularly maintains the premises, giving the  parish area a clean look. Working Bees are held regularly to spruce up the parish surroundings. More volunteers are needed for this ministry.


A small group of five to six parishioners manage the catering  for parish events.   This involves shopping, set up, cooking and set down.  More volunteers are needed for this ministry.


 Our role is to manage the finances of the parish. To maintain the Buildings and property in good repair.  The planned giving envelope system is operating quite well although we would welcome new planned givers. The envelope is divided into two with the parishioner indicating how they wish their gift to be divided. If not indicated, it is divided 1/3 house -priest support and 2/3 parish support. The loose collection is also divided 1/3 and 2/3. All named donations are issued with a tax receipt 31 March each year. You get 1/3 of your donations back. Give $300, you get a refund of $100. A ledger is kept of all named donors. We have a roster of eleven couples who count the collection each Sunday. All is recorded on an analysis sheet.

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