Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church


Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church
Glen Eden

Mass Times

Monday 9am
Tues | Wed | Thurs 6.30pm
Wed Novena 6pm
Friday 9am
First Friday 6.30pm
Saturday Vigil 5pm 
Sunday 9am | 10.30am | 5pm


Bible Study Group   

“…….for the measure you give will be the measure you get back.” (Luke 6:36-38).
Enrich your faith through the study of God’s Word. Join us on the journey of a lifetime every Tuesday 5.30pm (parish classroom).

Our Lady of Fatima


Would you like the Blessed Virgin Mary to visit your home?

Members of the Legion of Mary can leave her statue at your place for 2 weeks. Gather the whole family and pray the rosary daily.        

Receive a special protection and greatest blessings through her intercession. 

If you are interested, please contact the Parish office.


Free ai generated jesus forgiveness illustration

Reconciliation by appointment. 

Please contact the parish during office hours or send us an email.

Legion of Mary

 Senior Legion of Mary (Our Lady of Lourdes Praesidium ~ Wednesdays 7.10pm (Parish classroom)

Senior Legion of Mary (Mary Mother of Grace Praesidium) ~ Fridays 7.00pm (Parish classroom)

Junior Legion of Mary (Our Lady Queen of Angels) under 18 ~  Saturdays 3.30pm-4.45pm (Parish classroom) 

Junior Legion of Mary (Mary Mother of Good Counsel Praesidium)   under 18 ~ Sundays 11.45am-1.00pm (Parish classroom)

 For more info visit the “Parish Groups” section of our website                           

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