Volunteer Task Descriptions
Download example volunteer task descriptions here:
- Altar Server Trainer
- General Catechist
- Liturgy of the Word with Children
- Minister of Communion to the Sick
- Pastoral Visitor
- Sacramental Co-ordinator / Team Leader
- Sacristan
- Volunteer Driver
- Youth Leader
- Local Safeguarding Parish Rep
Risk Assessments
Download example risk assessments here:
- Altar Server Trainer
- General Catechetical Session
- Liturgy of the Word with Children
- Minister of Communion to the Sick
- Pastoral Visitor
- Sacramental Preparation Sessions
- Volunteer Driver
- Youth Leader
Safeguarding Practices Self-Review Tool
This self-review tool, undertaken annually, is a helpful process by which each entity within the family of the Catholic Church in Aotearoa New Zealand can identify the safeguarding strategies being implemented and the areas to be developed. This will also provide a basis for internal evaluation of the effectiveness of safeguarding practices, based on the “Standards for Creating and Maintaining a Safeguarding Culture”.
Self Review Tool…Download Here
Contact Details
Lisa-May Gray (Safeguarding Officer)
Phone: 09 360 3019
email: lisam@cda.org.nz