Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church

Parish Groups


Parish Pastoral Council

Our PPC is a representative body whose primary function is to set the vision and plan to make the life and activity of the parish ever more closely conform to the gospel…


The Catholic Enquiry Centre

The work of the Catholic Enquiry Centre is supported in this parish by a number of parishioners who make an annual donation.  Promoters arrange to collect this money and forward it to the CEC office in Wellington who issue a receipt…

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Samoan Community

First established March 1978 and since then have been active in the parish.GROUPS OPERATING are the following: Sunday School, Mother’s Club, Choir, Youth, Community….

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Housing Operation Support Team

In 1988 the Parish of Our Lady of Lourdes, Glen Eden, responded to the Diocesan Pastoral Council’s plea on behalf of homeless families by purchasing a house at 18 Tahi Terrace.

The house itself was solid but had been badly fire damaged. Glen Eden parishioners worked hard to make it liveable, It was purchased for $80,000 in the name of the Catholic Bishop of Auckland, and a 25 year mortgage was arranged…

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